Cara compile java di cmd windows 10
Cara compile java di cmd windows 10

Type in the command to run the Java runtime launcher and hit Enter.

  • You are ready test your Person class that is stored in personpackage.
  • In the same directory, type in the command to compile the tester class and hit Enter.
  • This path corresponds to the package name. Notice that you provided the path of the Java file.

    cara compile java di cmd windows 10

    Then type in the command to compile the Person source and hit Enter.

    cara compile java di cmd windows 10

  • Open a command prompt and navigate to the compile-packages-in-java directory.
  • Save your file as
  • Type in the following Java statements: The import statement directs the compiler to resolve references to Person from the personpackage package. Be sure to save this file in the compile-packages-in-java folder.
  • In your text editor, create the Java program that will test the Person class.
  • Therefore, the actual name of your Java class is personpackage.Person. Type in the following Java statements: Note the package statement this statement tells the compiler that the class is contained within the package (i.e., folder) named personpackage. Be sure to create this file in the personpackage folder.
  • Open your text editor and create a new file that will contain the Person class in the personpackage.
  • Create a subfolder in your new folder called personpackage.
  • Create a new folder called compile-packages-in-java.
  • cara compile java di cmd windows 10

    To learn how to compile a Java class in a package and successfully run a Java program to test your work, follow these nine steps. When a Java class is stored in a package, you must include the path that corresponds to the package in the compile. How to Compile Packages in Java See Java: Tips and Tricks for similar articles.

    Cara compile java di cmd windows 10